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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 6  FOX  January 24, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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some of you got more than others. let's start talking about the snow we saw around the area today. it was about a half inch at reagan national. about an inch and a half at dulles. leonard town, maryland, four inches. a lot of four and five inch totals in st. marys, king george. herndo in 1.2. college park just under an inch. and rockville 1.1. very fluffy and dry but delays and cancellations as we expected down to our south. overnight tonight, the district drops to 20. 16 in the suburbs. that's cold enough, obviously. we've been frozen all day. need to watch your step in the morning. it's mostly dry. so what's on deck? here comes another clipper system. very similar to what hit us overnight. the time timing on
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this one does concernly. may be impacting the friday evening rush hour. we don't have a winter weather advisory but a lot of areas around us do and think it will be fluffy dry snow. i'll let you know how much in a few minutes. >> you can get hourly updates with the fox 5 weather app. download it on your droid, iphone, ipad or another big story tonight. historic change for the u.s. military. defense secretary reversed a ban on women serving in combat. comes on the end of don't ask don't tell. many say the move knocks down one of the last major barriers in military service. >> an historic day for women in the u.s. military. >> not everyone is going to be able to be a combat soldier. but everyone is entitled to a chance. >> defense secretary joint chief general signed an order
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which repeals a 1994 rule that prohibited women from combat. >> if they can meet the qualifications, there is no reason why they shouldn't have a chance. >> we all wear the same uniform and all fire the same weapons. >> serving in combat units. standards that include rigorous and physical mental conditioning that both men and women meet. >> the burden used to be why should a woman serve in a particular specialty? now, it's why shouldn't a woman serve in a particular specialty? >> 200,000 women already serve making up 15% of the military. 152 have died in iraq and ahanistan. but the change is sparking debate among female veterans. >> i threw hand grenades and set claymore mines. i was ready and that was in the early 80s. >> i broke down and had muscle
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at trophy than my male marines. >> some jobs may remain off limits to women, the republicans have endorsed the move to allow women in combat. >> the right thing to do, i support it. i want us all to make sure the standards particularly the physical standards are met. >> a statement from president obama read today every american can be proud military can grow stronger with mothers, wives, sisters and daughters playing a greater role protecting this country. >> it was the secretary who announced this change, it will be up to someone else to implement it. hearing begin next thursday to takeover as the next secretary of defense. at the pentagon, fox 5 news. >> new at 6:00, amateur video has been released from the
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hostage crisis stand off from algeria. the footage shows a group of men sitting by a fence. you can see one of the suspected terrorists dressed in black. three americans were killed in the incident. a strong international travel warning for foreigners in libya. urging their citizens to leave benghazi. authorities describe as an imminent military threat comes a day after secretary of state hillary clinton testified about the deadly attack. the threat also follows a deadly hostage attack in algeria. in both incidents terrorist groups claimed responsibility. president obama's choice for secretary of state john kerry had his confirmation hearing today. addressed the relations committee. been a member for the past 28 years. outlined a number of issues facing the united states. chief among them deal wg iran.
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>> the president has made it definitive. we will do what we must do to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. and i repeat here today, our policy is not containment. it is prevention. >> senator is expected to confirm gary's appointment. the first vietnam veteran to head the state department. >> president obama nominated attorney jerry joe white to lead the exchange commission. built a reputation as the tough new york prosecute for. involve bringing down terrorists responsible for bombing the world trade center. white's nomination heads to the senate. back here at home from prince georges county, police arrested two people in connection with the murder of a fort washington teen. 16-year-old marcus jones was shot and killed. believed his death sparked multiple fights at his school this week. live tonight with the latest details. >> police say the shooting of
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16-year-old marcus jones was gang related. detectives say he was a member of the danger boy crew. and he confronted members of a rival gang outside a party in fort washington. now, jones was shot and killed at that point and witnesses say everyone scattered. a handgun was recovered at the scene. as you said days after jones shooting there were several fights at his school. the principal was at the announcement and he acknowledged there is a gang problem at friendly high school. >> we were aware of associations of individuals and we're actually actively looking at mentoring those children in order to move them in the appropriate direction. >> we developed a suspect quantay fisher. he was arrested late last night and now charged with first and second degree murder and on a no bond status. shortly after that we developed
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information on akeel iams. >> and detectives served that warrant this morning and found him in the 4400 block of f street. he was arrested without incident. and police say they believe he was the trigger man in the jones shooting death. detectives say they are also looking for a third person so far. he is still on the loose. back to you, brian . >> audrey barns tonight. critical report tonight accuses the dc police department for mishandling assault cases. conducted 150 interviews, examined 250 cases. what they found was disturbing. sexual assault cases have not been processed. victims claim they were treated badly. >> in washington d.c., we found many victims did not get the effected responses that they
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deserve and have a right to expect from the police department. >> cathy disputed the findings. not backed by facts . asked the justice department to step in and take a look at the report findings. thousands of pro-life supporters are expected in washington tomorrow. the 1973 landmark decision legalized abortion. this year's march expected to draw strong crowds. ahead here the outcome of a coroversial proposal to make english the language in one local county. and monitoring metro tonight. a sweeping plan for the future of the transit agency in the region. scott. >> reporter: perhaps the first them will be the charm for the caps. looking for their first win of the season. gets a promotion to the top line and we'll catch up with him straight ahead in the sports edge. >> if you have a story idea, there's the number and the email address. we'll be back. 
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english is the official language up in carol county maryland. the county commission passed the ordinance this afternoon. any official county business be conducted in english. the resolution does not prohibit any county employee in any other language for unofficial business. the third county maryland recognize english as the official language. metro looking forwards the future. looks of ways to help an aging system service the region's needs. the ideas are pricey. some $26 billion over the next three decades to pay for a new ton et. a second tunnel under the potomic. >> where there is no longer capacity in the system whether it's east/west, north/south. you have to split the system apart and provide additional tracks. >> one tunnel would be built below 10th street.
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another tunnel under the potomic refer. this could open the possibility of georgetown getting a metro station. the secretary of the interior wants the mall restored. between 3rd and 7th streets. the plans include a new drainage and irrigation system and system to help alleviate runoff. the debated key stone pipeline gaining momentum. urged president obama to approve the plan. nebraska's governor approved the project that would make it easier to transport. a new proposal avoid the controversial hills of the state. the pipeline will damage the environment. the sandy hook advisory commission meets for the first time. and a revamped assault weapons ban. a look at what each group discussed. a young boy going hog wild.
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prescribed a pet pig as emotional therapy. his parents say the pig has a calming effect and the two are like best friends. friends.
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from the nation's capitol to newtown, connecticut. broad discussions on gun control. senior corespondent rick levinthal reports. >> the first meeting of the commission takes place in connecticut. getting information on the investigation into the shooting while also hearing presentations from experts who were involved in the aftermath of the columbine and virginia tech massacres. the group expected to offer recommendations on gun control, school safety and state mental health policies. >> we must bring about change through a thoughtful and comprehensive debate. not only
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how we can prevent gun violence but how we can fix our mental health system. >> california senator reintroducing a revised version of the assault weapon's ban that expired in 2004. >> our weak gun laws allow mass killings to be carried out again and again and again in our country. >> the law would define what's considered an assault weapon as well as ban the sale and manufacture of such guns. 100 round clips aren't used for hunting, they aren't used for self defense. they are used to maximize the amount of damage one can do in a short amount of time. >> survivors giving their support. but not everyone thinks this is the way to curve gun violence. taking aim at the proposal saying quote the american people know gun bans do not work and we are confident congress will reject the
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wrongheaded approach. >> the bill faces an uphill battle with disagreements over the effectiveness of the original assault weapons ban and tougher background checks more likely to pass. fox news. >> looks and feels like winter in dc. people across the area woke up to snow. downtown a lot of people take advantage by lacing up the skates or a good old fashion snow ball fight. >> and always running. >> always running. doesn't matter. got the kids out there dusting off cars. >> what did you get? >> about an inch. >> that's what we got too. there is a little jackpot. never an even blanket of snow. the jackpot was in st. marys with 4, 5 and 6-inch totals. did not like seeing that but i hope they enjoyed it. they had to cancel school. still waiting for our first inch in dc. it was officially only a half inch. the dogs enjoyed the weather.
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video. look at the dog coats. people are so careful with their animals. this is doggy day care doggies day out. the dogs loved it. so fun to see them playing and enjoying really the first measurable significant snow here of the season. and in here it ended up being 8/10ths of an inch. don't leave them out on these cold nights. we appreciate you taking care of them. 29 degrees. we talk about a re freeze but no unfreeze other than the fact the sun dried up the pavement. this is i believe our third or fourth day in a row. and temperatures are already descending tonight. cloud wise, we'll see if the clouds come in fast enough to rescue a widespread drop into the teens. a lot of us are going to get down there. 19 in hagerstown. 20 in the district. we have windchill numbers impressive including 15 in the
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district. 14 for baltimore. 11 for frederick. 10 in winchester and hagerstown. bundle up. as i was out in front of the station, a lot of people walking about. we're getting used to the cold just in time for it to depart town. between now and then another cold night and round 2 of snow coming. this is going to be another clipper. i knotsed the track of it farther north this time. but it will be afternoon and evening light fluffy snow again as it tracks right across dc. the part south they go the more snow they tend to produce. this one is right in the middle. we think it's a fast mover again. i don't expect it to start until after 2:00 and gone by 10:00 tomorrow night. it will be light and fluffy. we're going to give it a generous 1 to 3 accumulation. but most of us get 1 to 2. here it is riding that speedy jet stream moving into the minneapolis area. we'll keep a
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close eye on it and see how much snow it will drop. there are no advisories issued for dc yet. they kind of surround us. we'll see if anything gets issued. advisories come up when it looks as though this might cause problems. i would caution you that as this comes through on friday evening rush hour, it does sometimes cause fender benders. quick look at your future cast. 8:00 in the morning and other than black ice i don't think you have problems. at 3:00 just coming into town. 5:00 light snow over a wide area. and 10 or 11:00 it's out of here. 34 degrees for saturday. sunday about 37 and brian, warming it up a little for monday, tuesday and wednesday of next week including 58 on wednesday with maybe some showers. >> thank you, sue. the caps in search for their first win of the shortened
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season decide to change things up. scott smith live with the sports edge. >> the good news is you don't see call me maybe any more. we're on to this. gangnam style. evening babies know how to do the moves. got more than 775,000 hits on youtube.
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welcome out to the verizon center. win number one tonight against the canadians. puck drops at 7:00. and looking for a little bit of a spark. michael will start for the first time and go for the caps this season. also some line changes. move to the top line to play
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alongside alex and nick. i caught up with him moments ago to talk about the changes. take a listen. >> how exciting is that for you to come back home and have this opportunity tonight to play with them? >> it's great. playing with those guys world-class players. definitely make any all star team that's available. so i'm happy to be able to get the opportunity. and i think we're going to do well. >> what does it tell you the coach is making these moves, allowing guys to earn that so early on in the season. >> i think it's great for someone like myself. i think the guys are really happy with it. he's showing confidence in us and giving us the chance to fight for ice time which is great and i'm going to do everything i can to stay on that line. >> the 0-2 start is not what you envisioned but positived you can pull out. the last period
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looked like you jelled a little more. >> we seemed to play a lot better towards the end of the game. tough to play at home. getting a little nervous . we're excited to play tonight and in front of these fans and know they are going to get into the game. >> you guys have in the goal first time. an opportunity for him. he's had success. i guess, what you've seen in him that maybe have a little confidence going into the night. >> we're lucky to have two great goal tenders. and any time either one of them where they are going to give us a great game. we wish them the best and think he'll get the win for us. >> tiger woods made his 2013 tour debut in san diego. decided his last major title victory. that was the 2008 open. action today on a course he's quite familiar with. he's won 6 times on tour here before in his career. woods in the bunker on a par 5-6 and blast it
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out and drains it for an eagle. that would drop tiger to 200 par through 6 holes. move through the 8th. tiger with a birdie attempt and he reads that left or right break. tiger got as low as 600 par now on 18 tiger is 4 under and three shots behind leader and defending champ. also today australian open women's action. the teenager the u.s. american. she finally fell today to victoria at the top seeded player. and also coming up this weekend, the nationals will host fan fest. that's saturday from noon to 4. come out to the convention center for that where they will name a 5th president in the president's race. that's of course exciting. this one tonight at 7:00. send it back in to you guys. >> enjoy the game. a look at what's coming up tonight. >> new details tonight about a deadly fire in virginia. one of
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the victims a beloved professor. we're hearing from friends and students. and the other big story. manti te'o speaks as new details surface in the hoax. we're going to break it all down for you plus give you the latest on the snow we may see during tomorrow evening's commute. all that and more tonight at 10:00. >> thank you. and now you have the news edge. the news is always on back here tonight at 10:00. the news edge at 11:00. hope you will be too. cold night, chilly night. be safe. in the meantime, tmz on tv is coming up next. . see ya.
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